Green Rush: Introduction

This is a series dedicated to the emerging Cannabis industry in Canada. Much like how gold defined much of the evolution and migration to the west coast in the 1900, Cannabis is being seen as the next potential source of massive wealth. This series will cover the ups and downs. The scams and deals. The […]

It’s becoming Harder to buy Cannabis in BC

When i first arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2017, I was disappointed to see that UBER wasn’t available. On the plus side, Marijuana was and it was easily accessible. It was almost as good as what you get in Seattle WA but there it was kinda saughta legal where as in Canada it was […]


HerbDispatch is a group of families that have been growing cannabis in the beautiful Okanagan for many years. We believe in honesty, hard work and caring for our cannabis plants as naturally as possible. All the flowers we grow are organic and well-tended, in order to produce the best results from our garden. With the […]


At Experion, we use our own expertly cultivated cannabis plants to develop a product line that stands out from the crowd. Our seed-to-sale model means we oversee every step of a plant’s development, tending personally to each and every flower. Located in the heart of cannabis country, our world-class cultivation and distribution facilities allow us […]